The Executive Committee is comprised of the officers of the Association and one (1) member at large from the general membership. This committee is chaired by the OICWA President. The OICWA Board Members elected in August 2022 and serving for the term of 2022-2024 include:
• Kimberly Baca (Choctaw), President - Chair
• Nethia Wallace (Kickapoo), Vice President
• Carol Gooday-Mithlo (Comanche), Treasurer
• Melissa McGee (Choctaw), Secretary
• Tara Gragg (Wyandotte), Member-At- Large
The principal function of the Executive Committee shall be to transact routine business as necessary between meetings of the Association and it shall be empowered to act in emergencies.
- OICWA General Business and Fiduciary Responsibilities
- Approval of 501c3 Non-profit Status
- Oversee the ICWA Partnership Grant Activity as it relates to OICWA and OICWA Grant Coordinator and collaborate with the ICWA Partnership Grant Governance Committee
- Initiated and held the OICWA Strategic Planning Meeting
- Set the OICWA Quarterly Business Meetings annually
- OICWA Website Launch
- Oversight of the Conference Committee and Budget
- Review Subcommittee activity - Meet Monthly
The Nominating Committee is comprised of a minimum of three (3) persons from the Association membership.
The current Chair is Nethia Wallace and two (3) members include: Angela McGhghy and Kendra Lowden.
The principal function of the Nominating Committee shall be to plan and conduct regular and special elections of the Association, monitor and review election processes of the Association, formulate and present related recommendations of the Association and assist with implementation.
- OICWA Elections - Develop and implement election procedures
- Richard Poweshiek Award - The committee works diligently to improve the nomination and selection process, share past winners on the OICWA Website and maintain the history of the previous Richard Poweshiek Award recipients
- Judicial Excellence Award - Coordinate with the Court Improvement Project ICWA Subcommittee in the nomination and selection process, which is held every other year in odd years, the next award will be in November 2025
- Meet as needed on a regular basis
The Legislative Committee is comprised of a minimum of three (3) persons from the Association membership. The current Chair is Brian Hendrix. The principal function of the Legislative Committee shall be to monitor and review activities of the Association in relation to compliance with Bylaws, coordinate and supervise matters of the Association relating to membership, formulate and present related recommendations to the Association and assist with implementation upon approval. The Legislative Committee shall also monitor and review legal and legislative developments which relate to the Association’s interests, derive assessments of legal and legislative development impacting upon Association interests, formulate and present related recommendations to the Association and assist with implementation upon approval.
- Monitor State of Oklahoma Legislation as it relates to ICWA matters
- National Indian Child Welfare Association updates
- OKDHS Policy related to ICWA
- Brackeen vs. Haaland Updates
- This committee meets monthly during legislative session (February thru June) and every other month outside of legislative session (July to February)
The Bylaws Committee is comprised of a minimum of three (3) persons from the Association membership.
The current Chair is Tracy Haney. The principal function of the Bylaws Committee is to review, update and amend the bylaws.
-The Bylaws were previously revised on May 30, 2014
-The Subcommittee Began working on updating the OICWA Bylaws in May 2018
-Amended Bylaws were approved at the OICWA Quarterly Business Meeting on November 30, 2018
-Meet as needed (Reactivated as of August 2, 2019 to begin updating in accordance with procedure as applicable with 501 c 3 nonprofit status)
The Training Committee is comprised of a minimum of three (3) persons from the Association membership. The current Chair is Eddie Screechowl. The principal function of the Training Committee shall be to monitor and review Indian Child Welfare issues and concerns in relation to training needs within the Association and outside the Association as practical, formulate and present related recommendations to the Association and assist with implementation upon approval.
- Pilot Walking in the Spirit of ICWA Training in Oklahoma County for OKDHS and Tribal Child Welfare workers
- Pilot Qualified Expert Witness Testimony Toolkit and publish
- Provide support to the OICWA Conference Committee
- Meet monthly
The Special Projects committees shall be established at the discretion of the Association to address particular items of interest and concern which may not be within the scope of activity engaged by a standing committee and shall be temporary in nature. There is one Special Projects committee that is designated to the special interest of ICWA Courts. The current committee is comprised of a minimum of three (3) persons from the Association membership.
The Substitute Care Committee is comprised of a minimum of three (3) persons from the Association membership. The current Chair is Nethia Wallace. The principal function of the Substitute Care Committee shall be to monitor and review issues and concerns of substitute care such as foster care, relative placement, adoption, etc., as they relate to the Association and assist with implementation upon approval.
- Produce video of Foster Care Alumni and Foster Parents
- Produce Keeping the Sage Burning Video and Curriculum for OKDHS
- Foster Care Conference Planning Efforts
- Families First Prevention Act updates
- CANIS and Fingerprints updates
- Home Study updates
- Meet one time a quarter
The Membership Committee is comprised of a minimum of three (3) persons from the Association membership. The current Chair is Melissa McGee. The principal function of the Membership committee shall be to monitor and review activities of the Association related to membership, including, but not limited to, the following: recruitment and retention of members through face-to-face meetings, phone, and email; monitoring and reviewing application process; formulating and presenting related recommendations to the Association and assisting with implementation upon approval.
- Thirty-eight (38) Federally Recognized Tribes in Oklahoma
- Update Membership monthly
- Invoice Members annually
- Monthly update to the OICWA Listserv
- Monthly update Tribal ICW Directors and Program Staff Contact List
- Update Subcommittee registry
- Standing monthly meetings scheduled for the third Thursday of the month
The Public Relations Committee is comprised of the Vice President of the Association and a minimum of two (2) other persons from the Association membership. The current Chair is Nethia Wallace and Te'Ata Loper. The principal function of the Public Relations Committee shall be to monitor and review public relations activities of the Association, formulate and present public relations program recommendations to the Association and assist with implementation upon approval.
- Partner with Be a Neighbor to identify Tribal Resources
- Social Media presence
- Development and launch of the new OICWA Website
- Social Media Protocol and establishment of best practice, policy and procedure
The Conference Committee is comprised of a minimum of three (3) persons from the Association membership. The current committee is co-chaired by Melissa McGee, Micah Carreon, Tara Gragg, Kelly Mounce and Te'Ata Loper. The principal function of the Conference Planning Committee shall be to coordinate and supervise matters related to the Association’s annual child welfare conference, including but not limited to, the following: planning conference activities and events; soliciting funding; working in conjunction with the Treasurer to ensure proper accounting and expenditure of funding; formulating and presenting related recommendations to the Association and assisting with implementation upon approval.
- Inaugural 2008 OICWA Training, JD McCarty Center, One Day, Norman, OK – Commemorative Walk at State Capitol
- 2nd Annual 2009 OICWA Conference, University of Oklahoma, One and a half Days, Norman, OK
- 3rd Annual 2010 - Knowledge, Resources, and Culture: Keys to Building Strong Families and Nations, Nov 18-19, Hilton Tulsa Southern Hills, Tulsa – Honoring of past OICWA leaders: Anita Chisolm, Richard Hernesy, Jerry Bridges, Susie Settles, and others
- 4th Annual 2011 – Improving Outcomes for Indian Children through Policy, Practice, & Partnerships, Nov 14-16, Reed Conference Center, Midwest City
- 5th Annual 2012 – Rising Above Trauma & Reinforcing Our Culture: An ICW Perspective, Nov 5-6, Northeastern State University, Broken Arrow
- 6th Annual 2013- OICWA Standing Strong, 30 Years Long, Nov 7-8, NCED, Norman, OK
- 7th Annual 2014- Embracing Our Children: Keeping Connections through Collaboration, Nov 6- 7th, Tulsa Community College, Tulsa, OK
- 8th Annual 2015- Journey through ICWA: Past, Present, & Future, Nov 4-6th, NCED, Norman, OK - 1st Inaugural Richard Poweshiek “ICW Advocate of the Year Award”
- 9th Annual 2016-Blanket of Honor: Cherishing Our Children and Advocates, Double Tree Hotel, Tulsa, OK
- 10th Annual 2017-Preserving Culture through Restoring Families and Fostering Hope, Grand Casino, Shawnee, OK
- 11th Annual 2018- “40 Years of ICWA: Transitioning and Transforming the Next Generation”, Indigo Sky Casino and Resort, Wyandotte, OK
- 12th Annual 2019- “United for Our Children, Our Sovereignty, Our Future”, November 6-7-8, 2019, Apache Casino Hotel, Lawton, OK
-13th Annual 2020- “2020 Vision of ICWA Best Practices Through Sharing Cultural Connections”, Osage Nation, Virtual @ Osage Hotel and Casino
-14th Annual 2021-“Seeking Unity Through Resilience, Reconciliation, and Perseverance”, Osage Nation, Virtual @ Osage Hotel and Casino
-15th Annual 2022-“Protectors of the Sacred Circle", Choctaw Nation, Durant, OK
​-16th Annual 2023- "ICWA Stands: 45 Years of Strengthening Sovereignty and Protecting Culture", Osage Hotel and Casino, Tulsa, OK